Chambers Global (2019)

General Business Law - Band 2
Ranked Lawyers: Heng Chhay - Band 1, Sophonnora Tiv - Band 3

What the team is known for
Impressive Phnom Penh-based team working with the wider Rajah & Tann network, regularly advising international clientele on domestic law. Retains a strong market reputation for work on cross-border transactions, including project finance and joint ventures. Banking and real estate sectors constitute key areas of expertise. Also offers significant knowledge of Cambodian securities law. Acts for a broad mix of Asian and global clients as well as domestic Cambodian corporations.

The lawyers' commerciality attracts praise from clients. Interviewees say: "They stand above in their quality of advice and responsiveness, understanding business issues rather than just telling us what the law is."

The team's clear explanation of complex matters impresses sources, who praise "their ability to simplify legal terms," as well as their "very fast turnaround" of work.

Work highlights
Assisted Crystal International with the Cambodian aspects of its USD574 million IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, performing due diligence on its subsidiaries in Cambodia.

Advised both the borrower and lender, Donaco International and Mega International Commercial Bank respectively, on the USD57 million refinancing of a loan.

Notable practitioners
Managing partner Heng Chhay has expertise in a wide range of areas, including real estate, finance, M&A and litigation. Sources report: "He dives into documents and spends time going through even the smallest of issues, giving great confidence to clients that he is on top of everything himself." Clients also note that "his strength is an ability to diagnose and understand any business issue."

Sophonnora Tiv has long-standing experience handling capital markets deals, as well as M&A transactions, real estate and insurance issues. Clients appreciate that he "is responsive and brings in others when necessary." Other clients explain: "It is a pleasure to work with him," while further interviewees note that he "has the benefit of international experience."