Legal Updates

Unfair Practices in Business in Relation to Advertisements and Sale Promotions

On 12 April 2024, the Ministry of Commerce issued Prakas No.95 on Unfair Practices in Business in Relation to Advertisements and Sale Promotions. It aims to define some unfair practices that are not stipulated in the Law on Consumer Protection dated 2 November 2019 and to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

Unfair Practices in Business in Relation to Advertisements and Sale Promotions Read More »

Prakas on the Issuance of Fund Units of Collective Investment Scheme

On 20 July 2023, the Non-Banking Financial Services Authority issued Prakas No. 035 on the Issuance of Fund Units of Collective Investment Scheme (“Prakas”). This Prakas is a long-awaited legal instrument under the purview of the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia to basically kick-off the collective investment scheme (“CIS”) market in Cambodia.

Prakas on the Issuance of Fund Units of Collective Investment Scheme Read More »

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯

本更新是对近几个月东南亚地区在数据保护、内容监管、金融监管、电信和电子商务等主题方面的最新发展概览。这些主题对于在科技领域经营的企业来说是相关及重要的,因为它们影响到企业如何收集、使用、存储和转移个人数据;如何创建、发布和调节在线内容;如何提供或促进金融服务和交易;如何访问和利用电信网络和基础设施;以及如何进行在线商务和贸易。简洁起见,我们将采取一个宏观的视角,将重点放在最新变化上,如果您想进一步讨论这些发展或任何其他与东南亚科技法律有关的事项,请随时与我们联系。 如果您想进一步了解,请点击阅读更多。

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯 Read More »


新《税法》于2023年5月16日根据NS/RKM/0523/004号皇家法令紧急颁布(”《税法》”),因此从2023年5月17日起生效。《税法》废除了1997年2月24日的旧税法及其2003年3月31日的修正案。在本法律资讯中,我们重点介绍《税法》的主要特点。 如果您想进一步了解,请点击阅读更多。

柬埔寨的新税法 Read More »


2023年2月3日,柬埔寨王国政府颁布了关于使用SIM模块的电信设备身份登记的第41号二级法令,旨在:(i)防止和限制使用假SIM模块的设备、赃物和非法进口的设备;(ii)保护消费者的健康、安全和权利;(iii)提高电信服务质量;(iv)鼓励诚实和透明的市场竞争;以及(v)加强国家税收。本更新报告简要介绍强调《二级法令》的主要特点。 如果您想进一步了解,请点击阅读更多。

电信设备身份登记的二级法令 Read More »

MPWT Issues Prakas Requiring Companies to Apply for Registration and Permit for Digital Hailing Services for Road Transport Operation

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport has issued Prakas No. 100 Pr.K.PW.RT dated 21 June 2021 on the Conditions and Procedures of Issuance of Permit to Companies Conducting Digital Hailing Services for Road Transport Operation in Cambodia (“Prakas”).

MPWT Issues Prakas Requiring Companies to Apply for Registration and Permit for Digital Hailing Services for Road Transport Operation Read More »

MOC Issues Notification Requiring Relevant Persons to Apply for E-Commerce Permit or Licence

On 26 May 2021, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued Notification No. 1143 on the Issuance of Permit or Licence on E-Commerce (“Notification No. 1143”). Notification No. 1143 urges all individuals, sole proprietorships, legal entities and branches of foreign companies which carry out their business activities through electronic platform (“Relevant Persons”) to apply for a permit or licence on E-Commerce.

MOC Issues Notification Requiring Relevant Persons to Apply for E-Commerce Permit or Licence Read More »

Deadline to File Request to Extend Work Permit Postponed to 31 May 2021; Labour Arrangements During Khmer 2021 New Year Holidays

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) has issued two regulations concerning labour law. The first piece of regulations relates to the postponement of deadline to file request for extension of work permits for foreign employees for 2021 and the documentary requirements for newly hired foreign employees. The second piece of regulations relates to paid leave during Khmer 2021 New Year celebration.

Deadline to File Request to Extend Work Permit Postponed to 31 May 2021; Labour Arrangements During Khmer 2021 New Year Holidays Read More »

SERC Issues Prakas on Reporting Obligations and Request for Approval of Central Counterparties and Derivatives Brokers

On 18 January 2021, the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (“SERC”), previously known as the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC), issued a new Prakas No. 001/21 SECC/P on the Obligations to Provide Reports, Notify, and Request for Approval of Central Counterparties and Derivatives Brokers (“New Prakas”).

SERC Issues Prakas on Reporting Obligations and Request for Approval of Central Counterparties and Derivatives Brokers Read More »

MLVT Issues Two Prakas on Physical Examination Requirements and Provision of Health Check Services for Cambodian Employees

On 31 December 2021, MLVT issued two sets of Prakas, namely Prakas No. 429/20 on Physical Examination of Cambodian Employees (“Prakas No. 429″) and Prakas No. 433/20 on the Agreement between Department of Occupational, Safety, and Health of MLVT and Health Facilities in order to Provide Health Check Services for Cambodian Employees (“Prakas No. 433”).

MLVT Issues Two Prakas on Physical Examination Requirements and Provision of Health Check Services for Cambodian Employees Read More »

Implementation of Online Systems for Labour and Vocational Training Related Public Services

MLVT has issued Prakas No. 430/20 MLVT/Pr.K.CBN on the Implementation of Labour and Vocational Training Related Public Services via Online Systems (“Prakas”). According to the Prakas, the online systems were launched to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of public services, and foster transparency and accountability in the public sector.

Implementation of Online Systems for Labour and Vocational Training Related Public Services Read More »

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