Legal Updates for March 2022

Establishment of the Cambodia Competition Commission

On 17 February 2022, the Cambodia Competition Commission ("CCC") was established pursuant to the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Sub-Decree No. 37 ANKr.BK on the Organisation and Functioning of the Cambodia Competition Commission. CCC will be in charge of implementing the Law on Competition with the goal to help consumers access high quality, low price, and versatile products and services.

 In accordance with the Law on Competition which was enacted on 5 October 2021, CCC has been designated to be the competent authority to perform key activities including but not limited to receiving complaints in relation to competition.

 In this Update, we highlight the key aspects of CCC.

Prakas on Cosmetic Distribution

On 24 February 2022, the Ministry of Commerce issued Prakas No. 0064 on the Requirements of the Cosmetic Distribution ("Prakas"), which came into force on the same day. The Prakas sets out the legal requirements to govern the distribution of cosmetics in Cambodia for the purpose of promoting fair competition, protection of health, and benefits to consumers.

In this Update, we highlight the key features of the Prakas.

Second Extension of Imposition of Penalty re: Application for E-Commerce Permit/License

On 3 March 2022, the Ministry of Commerce ("MOC") issued a Notification No. 0528 MOC.BRD on the Extension of the Imposition of Penalty in relation to the Application for E-Commerce Permit or License ("Notification").

Per the Notification, all individuals, sole proprietorships, legal entities and branch of foreign companies ("Relevant Persons") who carry out their business activities through electronic platforms have time until the end of June 2022 to apply for permits or licenses for E-Commerce. Relevant Persons who carry out e-commerce activities without a permit or license will be subject to pecuniary fines and the applicable penalties as determined by the Law on E-Commerce. MOC will implement the imposition of such pecuniary fine and penalties from 1 July 2022 onward.